Employee Relations, Human Resources, Leadership

Organizational Change: Timing is Everything!

Every company goes through it – that point when business is struggling and, while looking for new ideas or solutions, the topic of “changing the organizational structure” comes up. This is probably more relevant in smaller companies where there is already a lack of structure or some people are tasked with wearing multiple hats. The… Continue reading Organizational Change: Timing is Everything!

Employee Relations, Human Resources, Leadership, Recruiting

Post Salary Ranges in Job Postings!

82% of US workers are more likely to apply to a job if the pay range is listed. 74% of US workers say they are less interested in job postings that do not post a salary range. 73% of US workers are more likely to trust companies that provide realistic salary ranges that those that… Continue reading Post Salary Ranges in Job Postings!

Disabilities, Employee Relations, Human Resources, Leadership

Learning Disabilities and the Workplace

The number of children and adults being diagnosed with learning disabilities continues to increase each year because of availability of information and testing, but there are still many that go undiagnosed.  This is going to talk about the three most common learning disorders and how it affects adults in the workplace so that you, as… Continue reading Learning Disabilities and the Workplace

Employee Relations, Human Resources, Leadership, Recruiting, Uncategorized

Supporting Your Employees During Layoffs

Logging onto LinkedIn these days can be as depressing as listening to the news.  Each day, there seems to be yet another company announcing massive layoffs.  We knew a lot of layoffs were occurring in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 and it still seemed to hit more of the smaller companies and family-owned businesses… Continue reading Supporting Your Employees During Layoffs

Human Resources, Recruiting

Please Write Realistic Job Ads!

When is the last time that you actually sat back and thought about that job ad that you keep using?  Like job descriptions, many companies don’t continually read and revise job ads before posting.  They don’t take into account what they have learned about the position that now needing filling, changes to the role over… Continue reading Please Write Realistic Job Ads!

Employee Relations, Human Resources, Leadership, Performance

Culture is Not an HR “Function”

Companies have more of a focus on their defined “culture” and, naturally, turn to their HR Department to lead the design and implementation of a culture program, but that does not make it a “function” of the HR department.  First things first: What do we mean by “Culture”? Culture is a combination of behaviors and… Continue reading Culture is Not an HR “Function”

Employee Relations, Human Resources, Leadership

“Quiet Quitting” and “Quiet Firing” Are Not New Trends

You may have heard the phrases “quiet quitting” and “quiet firing” lately in the news, as if its some new trend that has started up following the COVID pandemic but the basis behind each coined phrase now is not something that is new or started only recently.  There is just more of a focus on… Continue reading “Quiet Quitting” and “Quiet Firing” Are Not New Trends

Disciplinary Actions, Employee Relations, Human Resources, Leadership, Termination

Suck It Up! Sometimes You Have To Be The Bad Guy

For most managers out there, being the “bad guy” isn’t always easy.  Sure, when it comes to disciplining and employee they have no problem.  But when it comes to having to terminate an employee, most don’t like that feeling regardless of how rock solid a case you have. Being the “bad guy” comes with the… Continue reading Suck It Up! Sometimes You Have To Be The Bad Guy

Benefits, Communication, Employee Relations, Human Resources, Performance

Performance Review Time – Should You Keep Doing Them?

  Its the beginning of the New Year and many companies may be getting ready to produce their employees' annual performance reviews, so I'm sure the topic of whether or not its worth the time has started to come up. There are a lot of different opinions out there as to whether or not companies… Continue reading Performance Review Time – Should You Keep Doing Them?

Employee Relations, Human Resources, Recruiting

Poaching: Is It Just Business or Vengeance?

It happens all the time: You land a new position and find that there are other open positions that maybe your previous co-workers would be interested in.  You tell your new supervisor and, on your recommendation, they give you the “green light” to reach out to them and ask.  Nothing wrong with that, right? But… Continue reading Poaching: Is It Just Business or Vengeance?